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“Cavebop”–off the new The Jerry Douglas Band album (out August 18th, preorder: “…a ‘Flintstones’ rumble, with Fred in the driver’s seat and Charlie Parker as his passenger.”
“The Wild Rumpus”–When my daughters were small, I would read the book “Where The Wild Things Are” to them at bedtime. I later found out it’s not a bedtime story. I invited the author Maurice Sendak to my shows whenever I was in his town. He never came. Therapy is ongoing.
“Takarasaka”–I wrote Takarazaka after a tour in Japan a few years ago. I was invited to stay at a friends house in the city of the same name. My friend explained to me that the origin of the name could be used either for beautiful mountain village, or Village idiot. I prefer the former.